Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Waiting... Waiting...

We're on the edge of mom passing now, so I find myself in the unenviable position of sitting around waiting for 'The Call'. Although, to be blunt, I would rather be waiting for The Call at home than sitting in my parents' house staring at her, waiting for her to die. Which is what I've spent the last three days doing. That is far more weird and uncomfortable to me. My dad has been adamant that he wants to be holding her hand at The End, but I sure don't. I have made peace with what has happened, and my mom knows I love her, so I just don't need the image of her last gasp recorded in my memory. The person she was is gone now (and not suffering), all that's left is the barely breathing shell...

On a slightly less depressing note, I spent some time out in the garden today, trying to fix my tomato plants. They all got too tall and too heavy with fruit for the system of wires I had set up to hold them. Especially the bigger tomatoes, the Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, and Black Prince. The Brandywine nearly snapped off under the weight, and I lost 3 unripe Black Princes while I was trying to disentangle the plant from its neighbor. I had two sections of trellis that stick in the ground, so I hammered those in and did my best to tie the tomatoes to them. Hopefully they will recover. Particularly the Brandywine, which suffered the most damage to its main stalks.

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