Friday, May 19, 2006


Went to the doctor today regarding my old lady knees and aching foot. I sat for about 10 x-ray shots of the suspect toe and am waiting for them to call with the results. He said that if it's not broken there's nothing that can be done, but if it is he might decide to immobilize it. Possibly with one of those handsome walking boots that they use for broken/post surgical feet. 'They're a real pain in the ass' my doctor says. I can't wait. As for the knees, it's off to the physical therapist for me, and back off the training at the gym for awhile.

Started and finished reading Mary Mary by James Patterson... obviously, a quick read but I'm hopelessly addicted to his books and I had to see if Dr. Cross got his son back. :-)
Another author I can't live without is Harlan Coben... so up next is Promise Me.
Slowly I'm chipping away at this stack of books sitting here waiting to be read...

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