Monday, March 21, 2011

The First Day of Spring Break

Not a bad day today... Coralie played at a friend's house until mid-afternoon, Keelan made a house out of a cardboard box. I got a few important things done in the yard- planted my peas and lettuce, made a pea cage, emptied a large, broken plastic pot of its soil and spread it around, and transplanted my echinacea to a sunnier location in the ground. I would have broadcast my wildflower seeds, except I can't find them. >:-(

My seed potatoes aren't quite ready to be planted. I want the sprouts to be a little further along.

We bought a storm door over the weekend, and the handyman-for-hire is coming on Wednesday to hang it. I've been wanting to do this for a long time... finally had to threaten to buy it on the internet before The Husband got motivated enough to borrow his dad's truck and make the buy.
Ditto for the trees in the backyard that needed to be removed... I told him I was going to hire it out, and suddenly, he was on it. Except one tree was too big to do by himself... but two out of three ain't bad.

The Husband replaced the furnace filter last night... he and Keelan have been experiencing some problems with allergies. Could be because the furnace filter was nearly BLACK. Yeah, gross...

Tomorrow Keelan has a playdate in the morning. On the one hand, I'm glad that the kids are getting into a better groove, socially, but I'm nervous about having to juggle a bunch of appointments on their social calendar. I am so disorganized.

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