Friday, January 22, 2010

Ooo... Shiny...

Bring on the canning!

I've been debating for some time whether or not to buy a pressure canner... especially since I have a glass stove top. However, since I was able to find (with the help of my friend C) a pot suitable for water bath canning on my stove, I thought I might be able to find something small enough. Well this canner is not small, although it is *smaller* than most at 16 quarts. However, it claims to be safe for flat stove tops. Because:
See the gap? This is so smart... there is a plate on the bottom. The plate is the size of the burner, so only it is in contact with the stove top, not the whole base of the canner. Now I can start planning my attack on a rather large stash of winter squash in my garage, which must be dealt with now that the weather is warming.

Hubby is working a double tonight. I watched an awesomely bad movie, 'Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus' while I worked on a new knitting project. Now it's time for a shower, some fat pants, and maybe some sleep...


Anonymous said...

We have one of those ceramic stove tops. Anne loves it ... me, not so much. Even the slightest bubble-over and the stovetop looks a mess. Plus, Anne says you're not supposed to use cast iron cookware on it.

Sounds like you're going to have some fun with the canner, though.


haggardmom said...

I use my cast iron on mine all the time... heat adjustment is tricky though. Plus, you have to be really careful not to ever slide a cast iron pan on the glass, or you'll scratch it. Otherwise, it's ok.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Awesome! So... can you use that for water bath canning, too, now? Can't you get more into this one than in the little one you got for RWB processing last summer?

This is great, Stephanie. You will be able to do so much more now.

Pam said...

I have never canned but really want to give it a try.