Sunday, June 25, 2006

Kicking Myself All the Way Home

First off, I had a cupcake for breakfast... pumpkin spice (beta carotene, right?). Because when you have Saint Cupcake within reasonable driving distance, how can one resist??
Then we stopped at Everyday Music to look at CD's, which ended in me forgetting to put the stroller in the back of the truck and my husband backing over it. That would be our less-than-a-year-old-$300-Peg-Perego. My husband fiddled with it when we got home and it's not salvageable. We were both so upset! I mean, we have the Maclaren, but Keelan doesn't like to sit in an umbrella stroller for long rides. At least now that we don't have to deal with an infant seat anymore, we can get a less expensive mid-size stroller.
After this weekend, I'm a little nervous about getting on the scale tomorrow... :-/

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