Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Fruit Salad

Today was a lovely day... 60 degrees and sunny. I took the kids by the office to see how everyone was doing and to show off how Keelan is looking more like a little dude and less like a baby (even at 9 months!). They say they miss me... I miss some of the people there, but I don't miss the daily grind.

Coralie loves the Wiggles song, 'Fruit Salad', and asked for fruit salad today. So after dinner and Keelan's bedtime, I made some fruit salad and we listened to her Wiggles CD while we ate it. (Yes, I'm a glutton for this sort of punishment LOL) Unbelievably, we ATE IT ALL. Between the two of us we ate:

2 pears
2 Blood oranges
1 apple
1 kiwi
plus a pinch of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of Splenda (because the oranges were tart)

Plus, we ate some almond cookies too.
Dude, if that doesn't get her bowels moving tomorrow, I give up.

I moved K-man to a booster seat at the table, since he so hated sitting in the high chair, and I'm certainly not going to get in the habit of feeding him on my lap. It seems so funny to see him sitting right at the table... the downside is that now he can reach over and grab my sleeve or arm with his slimy hand.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like fun. I think I'll be humming that song all day today. I was serious when I said you never forget the Wiggle's songs.

haggardmom said...

No kidding! Even my husband goes around the house singing it LOL!