Sunday, January 15, 2006


I dragged my tired, sorry ass to the gym today, for 20 exciting minutes on the exercise bike. I was so proud of myself... but now I also know what sorry shape I'm in. I did 10 minutes of level 1 cardio and I thought my legs were just going to give up and fall off.
Then I got to come home & help hubby do CHORES. Whooo-wee, are we an exciting bunch. Packed the truck full of junk to take to the dump.

I started reading Life's Little Annoyances.
It's really light reading, full of shorts about people who have found little ways of getting back at rude people & other pet peeves. Like the guy who invented the date rejection phone line, or the guy who started writing 'Honku', poems about people who lay on the horn at the intersection outside his apartment, that he then taped to the telephone pole.


Bella said...

Good for you on going to the gym! I've been trying to find the inspiration to go!

haggardmom said...

It's hard... I could find a million other things to do at home! :-)