Monday, February 8, 2010

Maybe I Should Sell Them...

I created yet another fine doorstop in my bread maker today... I think, after 10 years, it is probably time to retire the old bread machine and invest in a new one. Probably when we get our reward from the tax man.

This is the week when the kids have to do their valentines for school. It's so different now... now they come home with a note that they have to make valentines for the whole class. Coralie's teacher helpfully provided a list of students. I think in their quest not to hurt anyone's feelings, they've taken away the meaning of making valentines for your friends. When I was in school (ohh, that sounds *old*), we all had a valentines mailbox, but who you made cards for was up to you. Part of the excitement was seeing how many you'd get and from whom. I never got cards from all of my classmates, but I was sure excited about the few I did get.

The sun was out today... I was sure happy to see it. I've been anxiously watching so many things in the yard... tulips are coming up, hyacinths are coming up, plus all the things that have been moved or transplanted from pots to the ground. My hosta is coming up also, and my nekkid honeysuckle is leafing out nicely...

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