Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Organization, Here I Come!

The organizer lady comes tomorrow... it will be a bit of a challenge, because I forgot that hubby's dental appointment is tomorrow at exactly the same time that she's supposed to be here, so I'll be in charge of the kiddies. Oh well, welcome to real life, right?

I talked to the nurse at the pediatrician's office today... she said that the doc will call me tomorrow, as she was not in the office today. I figure, either they didn't find anything, or if they did it's something minor, otherwise I imagine she would've been in a bigger hurry to get back to me. (I hope so, anyway)

The weather here is so foul. Wind and rain and cold... probably mild compared to a lot of other places, but still- YUCK. It's so nice here by the fire, with my chocolate milk and my laptop... :-)

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